Naysayer Response

Of course, some people may argue that a decrease in laws and regulations would only increase the amount of recreational marijuana use across the United States. This possibility instills fear in many people -and especially parents- that this could result in younger generations being influenced by drugs more because of the increase in exposure that they could have. On one hand, I agree with these people because less strict regulations can lead to a product that is more easily obtainable. On the other hand, I still insist that making changes to the current substance laws is the best way to try and address the war on drugs. Eliminating the criminal sanctions that can occur because of the use of medicinal marijuana will encourage more people to obtain their medical marijuana card rather than using recreationally. Updating laws regarding the possession and cultivation of marijuana will allow recreational users to buy their products from a more reliable source. This will reduce the number of people dying from the use of synthetic drugs, as well as the number of people being incarcerated for drug related crimes.

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