Every Day Poem

Draft 1 

For me, each day begins with a salad 

A salad of my own creation 

A salad made just for me 

Although each day produces a fresh new assortment of ingredients, 

these ingredients may never change sometimes for months in a row. 

Now I know what you’re thinking,

if this is the case then my salad must be delicious. 

Well yes 

and no

Let me explain, 

First, I crack open the box which corresponds to today and I empty its contents into my hand making sure to tap tap tap for any of the small sticky suckers which always find their way into the corners. 

I place the pile onto my desk and reach into the basket below to grab bottles two and three, my personal LEAST favorite, but arguably two of the most important ingredients. 

I start with the bigger of the two, placing the chalky baby pink colored disk flat down on the top of my desk. 

This is then followed by the slightly smaller, but no less disgusting white disk which I place on top of the previous, creating a two part snowman. 

Now this part is essential as it makes the morning ritual slightly less awful.

Next, I pop open bottle number four and dump out a handful of its contents sliding all but two of the squishy slugs back into the bottle and closing the lid. 

Last but certainly not least, I reach for the biggest bottle and the newest addition to the morning, 

component numbers five and six

The lids spin in a counterclockwise motion with a click, click, clicking before they open up and the smell of the contents wafts up to my nose. 

I’m always quick to pour a pair of each sugary treat into my hand and plop one of each on top of the pile I’ve created while simultaneously placing the other two directly in my mouth. 

Although the salad will be divided and devoured at random intervals throughout the day, have no fear that by the time the day is over each component will once again be united in a single location. 

My stomach. 

This is how I take my vitamins.

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