Outline Version One

As I’m sure we’ve all experienced to some extent, being in college is an interesting “in between” period of life. Entering college as a new adult, we are often expected to know exactly what our career path will look like – yet many of us are still unsure. 

For the underclassmen in the room I will warn you, things don’t get much easier – in fact for me, everything has gotten much harder and more confusing since freshman year. 

Throughout college I never thought much about developing a “professional identity.” I didn’t really consider its importance. I just went to class, did the work, and made it through. Come to find out, entering the workplace, especially in 2022, requires you to have a “professional brand” or at least a basis of one. 

As a senior in college, I found myself knee deep in preparing for my own post undergraduate life with little to no idea what to do or where to start and to be honest I’m still somewhat clueless. 

But my hope for now is to share with you the little bit that I have learned that may be helpful for you, as you consider how to grow your own professional identity. 


  • Treat every interaction as a learning opportunity 
    • College is a time to test the waters. We all know this. But make sure you apply this idea to school and work too. Try everything out and see what you like and don’t like. Use interactions with professors and higher ups as test runs for talking to a future boss. Consider your future self and how you could act now in order to get yourself a step closer to being there. 


  • Take yourself seriously and other people will too 
    • This kind of goes along with the idea of fake it till you make it, but seriously, if you look clueless, people will probably assume that you’re clueless and they will be unlikely to trust you. At least once a week I find myself thrown into a job that I think I have no idea how to do. Use it as a learning opportunity! Trust yourself and your ability to fulfill the role that was asked of you. This not only helps build your own confidence but shows to others that you are confident too. 

Finally, my personal favorite and the easiest tip, 

  • Mimic your coworkers 
    • This may sound weird but I swear it is the key, especially if you struggle with small details and things that should seem simple like what to wear or how to email the boss. Observing your coworkers or those who work in a position that you want to someday have, can give you a wealth of insight about how you should dress, interact, and perform as a professional in training. 

Of course, this is a very basic understanding of what it takes to create a professional identity and brand for yourself, so take it with a grain of salt. However, it’s something worth considering as you make your way through college life and into adulthood. 

Don’t overthink it 

Think about it like a tree. Although the leaves may change color, fall off and regrow with each new season of life, the foundation and the truck still holds strong and remains consistent.

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