Journal 22

I think that this project is going really well considering the amount of disruptions that we have had thus far. As a group I believe that Alex, Riley, and I have done a great job of working together as one team in order to address the more tedious collaborative pieces of the project first, and then dividing up the rest. After working on the most important elements of panel 1 as a group we divided up the rest of the panels to try and cater to each person’s strengths in some way. I am responsible for writing and designing panel 4 as well as writing up some of the details and specifics that will be included in panels 2 and 3. I think that right now it feels like we are doing a lot of individual work since we haven’t yet come together to work on the final piece. However, once we start creating the brochure itself and getting everything onto the page as we have been envisioning it, I think that it will set us up really well to create a cohesive final piece. 

Collaboration in the case of this project has been very helpful especially during the brainstorming and drafting process. Collaboration has really helped us to come up with some of the best ideas that we have had for our brochure thus far, and without it I think that the final product would be much more dull and much less effective. As consumers, we all have an idea about what goes into a good brochure and what it feels like to be persuaded by an advertisement for a product or service. Having multiple group mates to join in on the drafting process allows for the best ideas to come to the surface and be developed by people with a variety of  different experiences, and perspectives.

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