Essay #3 Self Reflection

I’d say that one of my strengths in my last essay was my ability to transition between views in one paragraph. I was able to include the facts of the argument as well as my opinion on it and in some cases include a naysayer. I think that I did very well making the transitions … [Read more…]

Informal Reading Response

In his piece “Consider the Lobster” David Foster Wallace argues whether our thoughtfulness about what we eat is really true since most people choose not to think about how their animal products are prepared before they consume them. Wallace refers to the Maine Lobster Fest as “something like a Roman circus or medieval torture-fest” although … [Read more…]

Connecting the Parts

Although many people aren’t consciously aware of it, most of us go about our days thinking about the events that occur as they affect us or relate to us, rather than how they could simultaneously be affecting others around us. Take for example a scenario of a drive through restaurant that gives everyone else in … [Read more…]

Intro Analysis

In today’s society filled with busy people, it is not uncommon that we use most of our brain power to worry, complain, and stress. Thinking about not only the task at hand but also what we’re going to do next, what will we have to do when we get out of work or school, how … [Read more…]

Learning Outcomes

• Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process. One thing that I’ve noticed I have improved on a lot throughout the semester so far is being able to give a helpful and effective peer review. Before ever … [Read more…]