Journal 16

I applied for a Behavioral Health Professional position in both my cover letter and resume. Although I don’t have a lot of experience working within the Psychology field yet, this position applies to the career that I am seeking in the future. 

My most extensive job experience has been working with elementary school children at an after school program for about three years. This job has helped me grow my skills and experience in a multitude of ways, one of which being improved communication skills. I’ve learned how to approach each situation with an open mind and a clean slate so that I can try my best to help the kids resolve their own issues as best as I can. My approachable personality and adaptable communication skills have also allowed me to make connections with the students that I work with beyond the classroom and continue my positive relationships with them even after they graduate from elementary school. These qualities will translate over nicely to a BHP position working with disabled youth. 

Through this job I’ve also learned how to handle myself in a composed manner during chaotic and stressful situations. My natural preference for organization has helped me to remain focused in the midst of disarray. I’m able to keep myself calm while also working to calm down others and handle each situation as it arises. 

Behavioral Health Professionals also require a sense of strictness and strength to intervene in potentially dangerous situations. I’d say that I’ve acquired this ability through my time spent working with children but also through my experience working outside doing private landscaping and gardening work. I have the physical strength that’s required to intervene and restrain patients when needed.